Thursday, July 19, 2007

World War Hulk #2 (of 5)

One-sentence summary: Gorgeous Romita Jr art is the highlight of this continuation of "Hulk Smash Everyone" story, which has almost no plot development except, well, Hulk smashes more people.

Let me put it on the record that I really liked Planet Hulk and am still looking forward to see how this whole WWH thing turns out. However, for the second issue of what is Marvel's big summer event, I really expected more plot instead of just more people trying to hurt Hulk with no success. At this point, yes, I get that Hulk is very, very strong. Thank you for telling me again, though.

It's really not a bad book. I'm loving Romita's art in this, so that's a definite plus, and, really, everyone likes a good dose of "Hulk Smash" now and again. I just wish we had some smashin' that occurred outside of city limits instead of just watching a stream of superheroes fail for two issues. I haven't read the satellite titles for WWH that came out this week yet, so maybe there will be more in them.

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