Friday, July 20, 2007

Thunderbolts: Desperate Measures

One-sentence summary: While I'm uncertain of the purpose of this one-shot except to show how very deep Speedball -- uhh, Penance -- is, it's not bad.

For those of us who aren't content with once-a-month doses of our favorite Osborn-ran team, here's a one-shot. There's nothing particularly amazing about this issue, but the art's alright and the story's not too shabby, centering around Penance going slightly closer to "edgy" from his current "absolutely crazy."

On a slightly off-topic bit, I think it's a bit funny how this comes out the week after the GLI Summer One-shot with Squirrel Girl ridiculing Speedball, including an amazing appearance of his now-deep and dark cat, Niels. I can imagine them planing this release entirely to reinforce Penance's "bad-ass" reputation after the GLI special.

Man, I really over-used quotation mark-ed adjectives this time. I guess it's because Penance still isn't established solidly in my mind, so any sort of characteristics he has seem sort of temporary or forced to me; I'm sure that'll fade.

In total, though, this isn't too bad of a one-shot. There are definitely some good moments. Not too bad at all.

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