Monday, July 30, 2007

Heroes for Hire #12

One-sentence summary: Heroes for Hire continue their World War Hulk escapades, this time facing off against Hulk's Warbound, in what's surprisingly one of the more interesting tie-ins.

I don't really care about Heroes for Hire. I don't really care about World War Hulk. Why is it, then, that I enjoy this issue?

Maybe it's the interesting plot; Humbug going nuts certainly is interesting, and the entire dealing-with of the Brood intrigues me (though I'd never really thought of them as insects before, though I suppose it makes sense). It'll be interesting to see how the non-heavy-hitters of the Heroes for Hire gang deal with the Warbound, as, excepting Shang-Chi, I can't see how any of them can stand up for even a few seconds against them.

The back-up story with Paladin is pretty uninteresting, but that's forgiveable with the rest of the issue being, well, interesting.

I actually want to see this story through. I'm impressed that Heroes for Hire managed to put out a rather interesting issue, all while under the World War Hulk tie-in editorial rules (no major plot developments that would affect WWH, etc). Even the characters stay somewhat true to themselves (I don't quite know why Black Cat stuck around, but at least that's a relatively minor issue). Good job, issue.

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