Monday, August 6, 2007

Outsiders: Five of a Kind #1 Nightwing/Boomerang

One-sentence summary: This just seemed like a poorly plotted story with decent writing.

Honestly, the writing behind this seemed decently thought out and certain points were made very well. If the rest of the story hadn't stunk, I think it would've been a pretty eloquent way to illustrate the relationship between Nightwing and Boomerang. However, it lost me from the get-go. The entire idea of sending two more or less normal people, in comparison to most the supehero world, off to fight a gigantic sentient batch of radioactive, deadly acid is so ridiculous that, even in comic book form, it comes off as unlikely. That's a challenge.

The art was varied in this, although was never really bad. I'm generally not as much an art guy as some folks (I've got the select few I really like, but mostly I don't notice) so I won't comment on art that neither impresses me nor horrifies me.

I want the new Outsiders to be good, I do. This was a sort of blah start to things, but hopefully things will pick up in the next few weeks with this title, but we'll see.


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