Monday, August 6, 2007

Jonah Hex #22

One-sentence summary: While usually a good title, I felt this issue of Jonah Hex was a bit off of the latest run, steering away from the gritty realism of the last several issues and going with a steampunk adventure starring Edison and Tesla from the sidelines.

I've been liking Jonah Hex, but part of the reason I've been liking it is because, as a friend put it, it's a Clint Eastwood movie put into comic form. Clint Eastwood movies do not revolve around automatons/robots (two very different things usually considered the same in any steampunk story).

I guess that's my real grief with this. It was just such a departure from the Jonah Hex that I've gotten used to, now I don't know if I should expect renegade cowboys or time travelers in the next issue. Hopefully the former. As its own story, it's not horrible. It exaggerates, obviously, the feud between Edison and Tesla, but I can deal with that. I didn't think it was as high of quality of story as you normally find with Jonah Hex, though. The art was still great, though, and the cover is pretty fantastic, even if I didn't like the subject matter of the story.

1 comment:

Dwayne "the canoe guy" said...

I read that a lot of folks enjoyed it. I'm reserving judgement until the next issue.