Sunday, August 5, 2007

Nightwing #135

One-sentence summary: A pretty superfluous issue, this spends an entire issue covering things from the last couple of issues while more or less not moving the plot at all.

This seemed pretty unnecessary to me. The entire issue focuses on Vigilante's interrogation of Dick Grayson after last issue's capture, but we don't really learn anything new. In fact, the entire issue has about as much plot as, say, 2 or 3 pages could have. In trade paperback form, I'm moderately certain that you could not even include this issue and the story would seem uninterrupted.

Top that off with the fact that the story that this issue is a part of is only barely more interesting than the last several Nightwing arcs (and that's far from a compliment), you really have a book that's not worth looking at. F--.

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